August 2023 Release Notes

The below product updates are scheduled to go live August 7, 2023. Release notes for each update will be added here once it is available in your test environment.

And/Or Setting on Session Search: If you're using our "classic" session search, we have added the ability to search categories inclusively OR exclusively. Applicable only if multiple categories can be selected. This will automatically be available on search pages that meet the above criteria.

Activity Page Document Tags: Ability to turn on/off document tags for activity page documents uploaded by coordinators and presentations uploaded by speakers independently. Previously, a single setting controlled both.

File Upload Title: When uploading a file via the Speaker Ready Room/Speaker Portal, the speaker will now be required to enter a title for each file. This title will be in addition to assigning the appropriate file tag and separate from the default file name our system assigns. This will allow speakers to easily identify their files in the speaker ready room/portal. This title will also appear on the preview screen.

Categories Assigned to Session Types: A Category Rule button as been added to the Edit Session Type screen that will allow admin users to specify which categories and subcategories can be assigned to that session type.

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