September 2023 Release Notes

The below product updates are scheduled to go live September 11, 2023. Release notes for each update will be added here once it is available in your test environment.

Last Signed In Date: The People AdHoc Report can how include the person's "Last Sign In Date" by checking off this field on "Step 2: Select Report Fields To Be Included" on the report filter screen.

Pre-Activity Requirements - RSVP Includes People Count: The RSVP section on the Pre-Activity Requirements screen will now show a person count in addition to the assignment account. In the example below:

  • Yes - 27/35 assignments, 12/12 people
    • All 12 individuals RSVP'd yes to something.
    • Some of those individuals responded no or not respond to all to other assignments.
  • No - 1/35 assignments, 1/12 people
    • 1 person RSVP'd no to 1 assignment
  • No response - 7/35 assignments, 7/12 people
    • 7 people have not yet RSVP'd for some of their assignments
    • 7 assignments are pending RSVP

Claiming App/QR Code Link: A new tag, AI_QR_URL, can be used in claiming app instructions which will provide users with the direct link to the claiming app so that people that don't have access to a QR code reader or aren't sure how to use one, are able to access the claim credit apps or enduring material link.


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