The below product updates are scheduled to go live February 5, 2024. Release notes for each update will be added here once it is available in your test environment.
ColdBox Framework: We are excited to announce that we will be migrating the existing framework of HighMarks to a modern and industry-leading platform called ColdBox! The migration will take place of the course of the next few months and will be done individually by client site. Please reference the January 16th email for full details and stayed tuned for additional email communication.
Email Domain Verification: Under Settings > Emails > Manage Verified Emails, we have updated the workflow so that the domain is verified, instead of the email address. This aligns with current industry standards to verify based on the domain. Email addresses that were previously verified will continue to display in the list and work as they previously did. Going forward, if a new email address is added to the list and the domain has not yet been verified, the you will need to verify the domain following the instructions, here:
Added ACCME Code to Credit Reports: The downloadable version of the below credit reports will now include a column called "ACCME Activity ID" with the ACCME activity ID entered in HighMarks.
- People > Credit Reports > Credits Report
- People > Credit Reports > Activity Awarded Credit Summary
- People > Credit Reports > CPE Monitor Report
- Sessions > Credit Reports > Accreditation Report
- Sessions > Credit Reports > Credits By Session
- Sessions > Credit Reports > CPE Monitor Report
- Activities > Special Format Credit Reports > CPE Monitor Report
Map Files from Application to Session: Added the ability to map files uploaded during application to the activity or session, at the time of mapping, within the following parameters:
- The document tags OR file extension that should be included in the mapping can be specified, i.e. only .pptx could be mapping but not. xlsx
- Documents linked to the Application via the Images/Case/Case Videos steps can map directly to the Session, Presentation, or Activity.
- Documents linked directly to an author role assignment can map directly to the created role assignment.
- Documents linked to the Application via Images/Case/Case Videos to map directly to the created role assignment.
- Mapped documents will have their "public" status default to "private"
If you would like documents included in your mapping process, please reach out to your project manager.
Last Sign In Date added to Merge Duplicates: Under People > Merge Duplicates, we've added a "Last Sign In Date" column to help identify which profile might be active and serve as the primary record without having to click into each record.
Claiming Apps Instructional Text: Added the ability to add brief instructional text under each field on the claiming app. Reach out to your project manager if you'd like instructional text added and they can configure it.