November 2022 Release Notes

The below product updates are scheduled to go live November 7, 2022. Release notes for each update will be added here once it is available in your test environment.

  • Re-order Application Steps: Ability to re-order application steps via the application type screen using the arrows by each step.
  • Credit Claiming Conflict Checking: Added conflict checking for credit claiming on an activity by activity basis, as opposed to a global setting. Please reach out to your project manager if you'd like some activities to have conflict check on and others have it off. Until then, your site will respect any existing rules.
  • Search by Credit Type: Added support for searching by "credit type" on enduring material public searches via a multi-select drop down field containing the various credit types. This must be turned on on a site by site basis. Please contact your project manager if you would like it added to your site.
  • Skip RSVP: If an individual has nothing to RSVP to (even if RSVP is turned on for the conference and their role has RSVP set to "yes"), they will not see the RSVP pop up upon logging in and instead will be taken directly to the dashboard or shown any other applicable wizard steps.
  • Session Credit Report Update: Added activity ID and activity code to the Session Credit Report.
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